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How to Make Your Beauty Routine More Eco-Friendly


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By PAGE Editor

The increasing awareness of environmental issues is prompting many to reevaluate their lifestyle choices and adopt sustainable practices. One such area of concern is the beauty and personal care industry, notorious for generating significant amounts of plastic waste and pollutants. 

With a little mindfulness and some easy swaps, you can make your beauty routine more eco-friendly without sacrificing effectiveness. A perfect example of this is AKT natural deodorant, a sustainable and high-performance alternative to traditional deodorants. 

In this blog post, we will explore various ways to build a kinder beauty routine that would benefit both your skin and the Earth.  

Choose Sustainable Products

The first step toward creating an eco-friendly beauty routine is choosing products that have a minimal environmental impact. Opt for brands that are committed to sustainability and use eco-friendly packagings such as glass or recycled materials. 

Look for cruelty-free products, and consider using natural and organic products over synthetic ones when possible, as they generally contain fewer harsh chemicals and additives. Additionally, check if the brands have eco-conscious manufacturing processes that utilize renewable energy sources and reduce industrial waste.

For facial toners and moisturizers, consider using natural ingredients such as rose water and coconut oil instead of purchasing products with long ingredient lists. Similarly, for makeup, look for brands that offer refillable options to reduce packaging waste.

Minimize Single-Use Items

Disposable items, such as razors and makeup wipes, are harmful to the environment, as they generate substantial waste that often ends up in landfills. Instead of using disposable products, try to incorporate reusable or multi-use alternatives in your beauty routine. 

For example, swap out razors with replaceable blades or purchase reusable makeup remover pads instead of disposable wipes. If cotton pads are your go-to choice for applying toner, consider switching to a reusable facial cloth that can be washed and reused numerous times.

Conserve Water

Water conservation is an essential aspect of adopting a sustainable beauty routine. Small changes, like shutting off the water while brushing your teeth or applying shampoo, can make a significant difference. 

Limit the time spent in the shower and avoid soaking in the bathtub. To further decrease your water usage, consider using waterless beauty products like dry shampoo, facial cleansing wipes, and powder-based cleansers.

DIY Beauty Treatments

Creating your own beauty products can be an excellent way to make your beauty routine eco-friendly. By preparing your treatments at home, you can cut down on packaging waste and control the ingredients used in your products, ensuring that they are natural and environmentally friendly. 

From homemade face masks to body scrubs and hair treatments, there are countless resources available online for various DIY beauty recipes perfectly tailored to your needs and preferences.

Repurpose and Recycle

Incorporating repurposing and recycling practices in your beauty routine can go a long way in reducing your impact on the environment. After finishing a product, get creative with how you can reuse the packaging – perhaps as a plant pot, a makeup brush holder, or to store other personal items. 

Moreover, always recycle empty containers and packaging when possible, and buy products from brands that offer recycling programs or refillable options to help minimize waste. 


Your beauty routine doesn't have to come at the expense of our planet. By choosing sustainable products, reducing single-use items, conserving water, creating your own beauty treatments, and practicing repurposing and recycling, you can make a significant contribution to creating a greener future. 

Embrace these eco-friendly habits and witness the transformation not only in your beauty routine but also in your overall lifestyle. Sustainable beauty is the new chic!

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