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The Rise Of Sustainable Swimwear: How To Make An Eco-Friendly Choice


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By PAGE Editor

Swimwear shopping comes with a familiar checklist - flattering cut, comfortable fabric, cute colors, and prints that express your style. But over the last few years, shoppers have added one more crucial priority: sustainability. As awareness grows around fashion's detrimental environmental impact, demand increases for eco-friendly swimwear made from recycled and regenerative materials by ethical production partners. The sustainable swimwear movement empowers you to make a difference with your purchase power while still rocking stylish suits perfect for beach days, pool parties, and tropical getaways.

The Growing Appeal of Sustainable Swimwear

Consumers today are increasingly concerned about product quality and cost and the social and environmental impact of their purchases. This rising conscientiousness drives brands across industries to re-evaluate their sustainability practices, especially in fashion. Clothing production pollutes waterways, contributes to deforestation for materials like rayon, and emits immense CO2 into the atmosphere. Landfill-clogging textile waste also persists as an enormous problem.

Swimwear faces the same criticisms. However, the emergence of eco-friendly swimwear offers an alluring alternative for the sustainability-minded shopper.

What Makes a Swimsuit Sustainable?

When you think of sustainable fashion, organic cotton tees, hemp-made accessories, and recycled plastic dresses, But swimwear? Can a swimsuit be sustainable with specific performance demands like stretch, durability, UV protection, and chlorine resistance? Absolutely! From innovative fabrics to ethical manufacturing, various facets earn swimwear the "eco-friendly" title. Key attributes include:

  • Materials: Brands now craft high-quality swimsuits made from recycled fishing nets and other nylons, recycled polyester from plastic bottles, natural rubber, and plant-based fabrics with less environmental impact than conventional swim materials.

  • Production: Ethical production practices include safe working conditions, fair wages, and eco-friendly dyes. Local manufacturing also cuts back on carbon-heavy international shipping of materials and inventory.

  • Business Practices: Beyond manufacturing, brands committed to sustainability also optimize their broader business operations by using renewable energy, pursuing plastic neutrality through offset programs, donating leftover fabric scraps to artists and artisans, and supporting like-minded sustainability initiatives.

  • End of Life: To combat waste, sustainable swimwear brands design durable products meant to last while encouraging recycling or upcycling of their gear once it reaches the end of lifespan rather than trashing it. Some facilitate buyback and recycling programs.

Why Choose Sustainable Swimwear?

If those attributes haven't fully convinced you, sustainable swimwear's many benefits make the investment worthwhile. Eco-friendly swimwear allows you to look and feel great while minimizing your negative footprint.

Preserve Natural Resources

Synthetic swim fabrics like nylon deplete precious resources like crude oil. Making the same fabrics from recycled nylons and plastics instead reuses resources already extracted rather than pulling more.

Combat Waste & Pollution

Landfills overflow with 11 million tons of textile waste annually just in the US. Making swimwear from recycled fabrics mitigates mountains of waste otherwise bound for landfills or incinerators. Ocean-captured plastic gets a second life rather than polluting waters, harming sea life, or washing up on beaches.

Protect Biodiversity

Viscose and rayon used in swimwear contribute to the deforestation of cellulosic wood pulp. In Indonesia alone, dissolving pulp operations severely threaten endangered species habitats. Alternatively, recycled fabrics curb the demand for virgin materials to help preserve forests vital to ecosystems and climate goals.

Enable Ethical Production

Fair labor practices ensure safe, ethical working conditions free from exploitation or human rights abuses too often revealed in fast fashion supply chains reliant on cheap overseas labor. Sustainable brands manufacturing locally or with certified ethical partners support better practices.

Minimize Carbon Emissions

Eco-friendly material sourcing and production, plus eschewing international shipping of goods, slashes the significant carbon emissions tied to conventional textile and clothing manufacturing. This benefits the climate crisis goals we all share.

How to Identify Truly Sustainable Brands

The sustainable swimwear category promises many environmental virtues, but how do you know which brands deliver on their eco-friendly claims versus engaging in disingenuous "greenwashing" marketing tactics without the substance to back them up? Vet potential brands thoroughly using these tips:

Materials & Sourcing Transparency

Trustworthy brands disclose specific details about the composition and origin of their fabrics, like the percentages of recycled polyester and nylon from Italy or Spain and the certified production partners they use. Beware of generic "eco-friendly materials" claims without evidence or data.

Ethical Production Certifications

Legitimate benchmarks back ethical production claims, like Fair Trade USA certification auditing labor practices. Other respected standards include GOTS, BSCI, and OEKO-TEX®, confirming the use of non-toxic dyes and chemicals.

Comprehensive Sustainability Efforts

True dedication to sustainability permeates all facets of a brand's operations - not just the clothes themselves. Look for big-picture commitments like using renewable energy, achieving climate neutrality through offset programs, morphological studies to minimize waste fabric, ethical ad campaigns, and partnerships with sustainability causes.

Recycling & Buyback Programs

To complete the lifecycle sustainability loop, brands focused on reducing textile waste facilitate free takeback programs to recycle retired gear - both their products and those from other brands.


Shopping for your perfect swimsuit requires thoughtfully evaluating a range of important factors - comfort, fit, style, quality, and versatility to take you from beach to boat to resort pool. But in 2023 and beyond, eco-conscious consumers agree that sustainability should top that priority checklist. Seeking out swimwear brands empowered by innovative materials, ethical production standards, and comprehensive environmental commitments allows you to make a difference with your purchasing influence.

Fortunately, the growing sustainable swimwear movement makes finding stylish, high-performance suits kind to people and the planet easier. Beyond using recycled and regenerative fabrics explicitly engineered for chlorine resistance, easy stretch, and long-wearing durability, such brands root sustainability into every facet of their operations – renewable energy in their headquarters, the pursuit of climate neutrality, fair labor certification protecting workers worldwide, and takeback programs to recycle pre-loved gear into new nylon.

By supporting purpose-driven brands focused on profit and positive impact, we vote for the world we want with our wallets - one where swimwear gets made responsibly, used lovingly for countless beach seasons, and recycled responsibly when finally retired. Just imagine the collective difference millions of mindful swimmers could make by matching bathing suit needs with sustainable options season after season. The waves of change continue to swell. Make yours a summer of sustainable swimwear for the oceans, the future, and your peace of mind.

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