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Useful Tips That Can Help Improve Your Commercial Space


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By PAGE Editor

The commercial space that you have (or are looking to fill) can be a huge investment in your business. It's important for any company owner to make the most of their premises, keeping them aesthetically pleasing and functional at the same time. If you're looking for some tips on how to improve your commercial space, read on because this article will help you.

Think About Signage

Signage should be used to attract customers and direct them to the products or services they are looking for. There are a variety of types including interior signs, exterior signs, and electronic versions. Electronic signs are becoming increasingly popular and they can be used to communicate a lot of information quickly and effectively.

When choosing signage for your business, it is important to think about what will work best for your space and your target audience. Specialist websites can help you with interior and exterior signage, and many allow you to request a quote or consultation online. You can also learn about such things as watchfire LED signs, storefront signs, pole and pylon signs, office lobby signs, scoreboards, vehicle wraps, and more.

Moreover, while investing in top-notch signage can give your business a significant boost, ensuring they remain in pristine condition through services like sign repair at National Signs is crucial for maintaining that polished and professional appearance.

Introduce Some Nature

Create an inviting atmosphere by adding plants and fresh flowers to make the workplace feel more like home. Here are some of the potential benefits:

  • they improve air quality by removing toxins

  • they provide a calming effect, reducing stress levels

  • they can boost creativity and productivity

  • they are attractive to look at

  • many species produce natural scents that can hide unpleasant odors

If you're not sure which plants to choose from, there are plenty of online resources with examples. It's worth checking out websites such as,, or Some examples of office plants include spider plants, snake plants, philodendrons, and English ivy.

Have Plenty Of Light

A bright and cheerful space is always inviting for customers. Add some color with paint, furniture, or accessories to create a positive atmosphere. Take advantage of natural light by opening up the curtains or installing windows (e.g. skylights) that allow for more sunlight. Not only will this brighten up the space, but it can also help reduce energy costs.

In terms of electric lighting, incandescent bulbs are less efficient than LED ones. The benefits of the latter are not just limited to energy savings, but they also have a longer lifespan and emit less heat.

Maximize The Space And Keep It Tidy

When designing or arranging your commercial space, be sure to make the most of every square inch. Utilize shelves, cabinets, and other storage solutions to keep the area tidy and organized. This will not only make the space more visually appealing, but also more useable. Don't overload the store with products or items that will clutter up the space. You should instead provide storage racks for easy access.

Get rid of junk and if there is a staff kitchen area, clean up after yourself. Don't let people leave dishes in the sink or discard items lying around. Invest in a commercial-grade vacuum cleaner to maintain your floors and carpets well.

Create An Open Area

Create an open workspace area where employees can socialize, eat or collaborate on projects. This could save your staff from having to go out into public spaces like cafes or restaurants. If you install a coffee machine it should ideally feature different flavors and types of coffee, plus tea or hot chocolate options as well.

If you're going to offer food items, including some snack options too. Make sure there are healthy choices like fruits or nuts rather than just sugary favorites like cookies or candy. It's also important to have a refrigerator and microwave in your break room area. This will allow people to store their food items and heat them up when they're ready to eat.

Upgrade Your Furniture And Artwork

By making these changes to your commercial space it can really help improve the look and feel of the building. You may want to consider upgrading your current pieces or choosing new ones that are more in line with your branding. Adding pictures to your walls can also personalize the space - especially if they include staff photos that celebrate their successes.

There are many other ideas you may wish to consider, but these are a few you could get started on right away. Both you, your staff, and your potential customers will all appreciate the changes that you make. Your commercial space represents your company, so make sure it's sending out the right message!

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