Beauty In Fredericton - Top Cosmetic Treatments You Need To Know




By PAGE Editor

Advancing years often means signs of aging like fine lines, dullness and sagging skin. But restoring a youthful appearance doesn't require drastic measures. This article reviews six of the most popular minimally-invasive cosmetic treatments available in Fredericton to smooth, lift and rejuvenate naturally over time. Learn which methods alone and combined can reverse the visible signs of aging.

The Magic of Anti-Aging Treatments

There are numerous anti-aging treatments available in Fredericton that can help revitalize skin and reverse signs of aging. One popular option is skin tightening treatments which use radiofrequency or ultrasound technology to heat skin from within. This stimulates collagen production for a more toned, lifted appearance. Fractional laser facial is also effective, using a hand-held device to deliver laser beams that reach varying depths of the skin. This stimulates new collagen growth, reducing fine lines and wrinkles. Microneedling, a procedure that involves rolling a device with tiny needles over the skin to create micro-injuries, has become increasingly popular as well. These controlled injuries trigger the body's wound-healing response, enhancing collagen and elastin production for firmer, plumper skin over time.

Regardless of the technique used, all these treatments work to rejuvenate skin at a cellular level. Multiple sessions spaced several weeks apart are usually needed to achieve optimal results, though most patients notice an improvement in skin texture and tone after just one or two treatments. While results vary per individual, these anti-aging procedures can make a real difference in reversing signs of photoaging and restoring a more youthful complexion.

Laser Facial Treatments

Laser facial treatments offer a high-tech solution for clearing up skin concerns like acne, sun damage, and fine lines. The procedures use specialized laser or light devices to target imperfections and stimulate collagen production. During a typical laser facial, a technician will first cleanse and prepare the face. They will then use a hand-held laser tool to scan over problem areas. This delivers controlled bursts of light energy that are absorbed by cellular water, heating and destroying aberrant cells while leaving healthy tissues unharmed. Multiple wavelengths can be used in a single session to tackle multiple skin issues.

Afterward, patients may experience mild swelling, redness, or discomfort that subsides within a day. Within a few treatments spaced 4-6 weeks apart, most clients see a significant improvement in skin texture, tone, and the evenness of their complexion. Laser facials encourage the regeneration of newer, healthier skin and the production of fresh collagen below. This results in a firmer, brighter appearance over time. Some clients also report smaller pores and fewer breakouts following the laser treatment series. With their precision approach and minimal downtime, they remain a favored choice for maintaining clear, youthful-looking skin.

Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers are designed to add volume and fullness where it's lost, helping sculpt and enhance natural facial structures. Common areas treated include the cheeks, lips, and "tear troughs." Made from hyaluronic acid, a substance that's naturally present in the skin, fillers work to replenish depleted collagen stores, improving wrinkles and folds from within. During treatments, a certified injector will cleanse the skin before administering tiny doses of filler using an ultra-fine needle. Application is usually quick and virtually painless when performed by a skilled professional.

Right after the procedure, clients may experience mild discomfort or swelling, though most reported effects are minimal. Within a couple of weeks, results are clearly visible, like fuller cheeks and lips, and a smoother "trough" area under the eyes. While fillers don't last as long as surgical interventions, their effects can persist anywhere from 6-18 months, depending on the product and individual. Regular touch-up injections help maintain a youthful, balanced look over the long term. With their ability to sculpt subtle volume back into aging features, dermal fillers remain one of the most in-demand and effective nonsurgical treatments available.


A regular injection of Botox has become the favored non-invasive approach for many to maintain their youthful looks. Functioning as a neurotoxin, Botox temporarily relaxes muscles that cause superficial wrinkles and lines when contracted. During treatment, a board-certified dermatologist or physician specially trained in cosmetic procedures will cleanse the target area and administer tiny injections of diluted Botox into problem zones. Common spots include frown lines, crow's feet around the eyes, and forehead creases.

Application is generally a quick, virtually painless office procedure. Within a few days, clients will notice a softening and smoothing of lines as muscles are temporarily weakened. Effects last an average of 3-6 months before touch-up injections are needed to maintain results. Through its relaxation of facial muscles, Botox succeeds in making lines less noticeable while still allowing for full facial expression. Surveys show nine out of ten users are pleased with its ability to improve their appearance. As a non-invasive yet highly effective solution, Botox remains one of the top beauty treatments performed worldwide year after year.


The HydraFacial treatment has become hugely popular for its unique approach to deep cleansing and intensive hydration. During the 30-60 minute procedure, a series of steps work to improve skin health from within. It begins with a thorough yet gentle exfoliation using fruit enzymes to remove dead skin cells. Next, extractions are performed to clear pores of impurities if needed. The HydraFacial machine then infuses serums rich in antioxidants, peptides, and hyaluronic acid to deeply hydrate. Its patented vortex technology helps these formulas absorb fully into the skin. Finally, a blast of hydrating hyaluronic acid further quenches and plumps the complexion.

Clients consistently remark on HydraFacial's ability to purge pores and refine texture while also leaving skin feeling incredibly soft and smooth. With its unique method of deep cleansing, exfoliating, extracting, and hydrating all in one comfortable treatment, it succeeds where other facials fall short. Multiple sessions may be recommended but most see noticeable brightness, reduced signs of aging, and healthier skin after just one. As a non-invasive hydrating treatment, HydraFacial remains a favored option for rejuvenating skin and maintaining a youthful and radiant appearance.


Microchanneling is an innovative cosmetic technique for improving skin texture and the absorption of topical products. The procedure uses a device with very fine titanium tips to create controlled micro-injuries on the face. As it rolls gently over the skin, it forms hundreds of tiny channels just 0.25-0.5 millimeters deep. This immediate micro-wounding triggers the body's natural wound-healing process and production of collagen and elastin. Within 2-4 weeks, skin texture visibly tightens and refines as it regenerates with new, fresher layers. Results also last longer than similar treatments due to the depth at which they act.

During a microchanneling session, minimal to no downtime is expected aside from potential mild redness. Multiple treatments spaced 4 weeks apart allow the skin’s full renewal process to take effect. Patients notice a clarity and smoothness to their complexion, with pores appearing refined and fine lines diminished. The micro-columns formed also allow topicals to more deeply penetrate treated areas for enhanced skincare absorption. 

Treatments Combo for Optimal Results

A customized approach combining several facial procedures often leads to truly transformative, long-lasting results. Consulting an experienced practitioner is key, as they will evaluate skin concerns and recommend a tailored series. 

For example, Botox may be combined with dermal fillers to soften existing lines and restore lost volume. Microneedling followed by HydraFacial delivers deep exfoliation and replenishment. Laser facial followed by microchanneling and a skincare regimen ensures healthier regrowth. Combining treatments encourages a multi-pronged attack on signs of aging from different angles and skin depths. This layered approach stimulates collagen production optimally for smoother, tighter, brighter skin over time.

Vetting Medspas in the Area to Ensure a Safe Experience

With numerous medspas to choose from in the area, it's important to vet potential clinics thoroughly to ensure safety, credentials and quality results. A great choice is Vibrant Salon and Spa located in uptown Fredericton, which has over a decade of experience and offers several anti-aging treatments under one roof. Board-certified injectors and experienced laser technicians on staff perform all cosmetic procedures after extensive training. The latest equipment, sterilized one-use tools, and individualized care plans also set them apart. Taking time to understand a client's goals and personalizing treatment plans accordingly is a priority.

Other factors to consider include:

  1. Verify appropriate licensure - Ensure all providers have a valid and active medical license for the state/province.

  2. Confirm insurance certification - Look for facilities that carry professional liability insurance in case of any unforeseen issues.

  3. Check for advanced education - Providers should have certification demonstrating ongoing medical training specific to cosmetic procedures.

  4. Inquire about medical oversight - A medically-trained director should oversee all aspects of facility operations.

  5. Ask about experience and credentials - Be certain injection specialists and laser practitioners have specialty certifications reflecting extensive hands-on practice.



