Gearing Up: Essential Tips for Women Venturing Into E-Bike Touring




By PAGE Editor

Getting the most suitable electric bike for women can be a wonderful journey toward a more eco-friendly and convenient mode of transportation. The more the number of women embracing the benefits of electric bikes, the more the need to understand the factors that make an e-bike perfect for touring.

Moreover, as a woman who intends to venture into electric bike touring, there are certain dos and don'ts to abide by. Those measures could get you from your couch to living the adventure of your life soonest. Hence, this article is set to provide tips before you go into e-bike touring as a woman.

Essential Tips for Women Venturing Into E-Bike Touring

Have the Appropriate Kind of Bike

Do not think you can hop onto just any bike you lay your hands on and begin cycling. You may have a pleasing experience if you are going on a short trip, but it may not be so if you are going on a longer one.

Thus, you should get a touring ebike or etrikes. Those bikes are particularly built for long-distance and multi-tour rides. They have durable wheels and solid frames that can bear the additional load. Their geometry places your body in a comfortable position that will enable you to ride hundreds of miles without experiencing aches or pains in your body.

Take Time to Plan a Lovely and Safe Route

One of the reasons an electric bike is perfect for traveling is that it gives room to enjoy freedom, peace, scenery, and calm. Therefore, selecting the best route is the major prerequisite to getting those experiences.

However, planning each foot of your e-bike tour is neither a plausible nor a wise idea. This is because a significant part of the beauty of e-bike touring exists in its unpredictability, as you do not know where the day could take you.

Yet, you should still plan a rough route that you should endeavor to follow and be flexible enough to change whenever the need arises. Therefore, you should keep the following in mind while you are at it:

  • You should try as much as possible to avoid busy roads with so much traffic, as there are back roads you can find where there are not too many cars or trucks.

  • Find routes that can help you through national parks and nature reserves. Likewise, small towns and villages can be hidden gems. That is what electric bike touring entails.

  • While you are planning your route, endeavor to make a rough plan of where you will be spending every night, whether it will be at hotels or hostels.

  • If you wish to cycle in remote areas that have only a few shops, ensure you plan regular town shops to get water, food, and other necessities.

Take Along Only the Essentials

As a woman, there is a tendency to carry more things than are needed during travels. However, by the time you start climbing a steep hill with an e-bike, each pound matters. Hence, ensure you only carry along the essentials. Other secondary things can be left at home.

Understandably, this may be quite hard as a beginner, unlike when you are already experienced and you are already aware of what you will and will not need. Still, as a beginner, try your best to think about those items you will only make use of a few times, including the ones you will use daily. The former things should be left at home.

The following are some of the basics you will need:

  • A pair of warm pants and leggings

  • A rain jacket and warm jacket

  • Camping gear: A one or two-person tent, sleeping pad, a sleeping bag and cooking set

  • Toiletries

  • Duct tape and zip ties

  • One or two pairs of riding shorts

  • A microfiber towel

  • Some Dri-fit T-shirts with a long sleeve layer

  • Swimsuit and sandals for everyday

  • Spare parts and a toolkit

Note that you may need to take along more cold-weather or warm-weather clothes, depending on where you intend to ride. You could also include some pleasure times, as e-bike touring is all about having an enjoyable period.

Consider Taking a Friend Along

If you are a complete beginner in electric bike touring, you may consider getting a friend to tour with. Although it is not necessary, it can be a lovely plus. You can consider finding someone who is as eager, adventurous, and inexperienced as you, as such a person would be a suitable match.

Nevertheless, ensure the person is someone you are familiar with and can handle spending the entire day with. Thus, whoever you will be choosing as your touring partner should be the right person.

Apply Sunscreen Daily

The sun is a bicycle tourer's perfect friend, as well as the greatest enemy. Therefore, in order to ensure you maintain a lovely relationship with the sun and not end up cursing it the next day, make sure you regularly apply sunscreen.

Although some cyclists only put it on when the sun is out and shining, it is advisable to apply it even when it is cloudy. This is due to the fact that clouds give poor protection from UV radiation.

Before you purchase sunscreen, it is advisable to choose a high sun protection factor of about 30 or 50. It will help you to avoid getting sunburns while protecting yourself from cancer of the skin which can result from excessive exposure to harmful UV radiation.

Gearing Up as a Woman

When you decide to set out for e-bike touring, do not forget to have fun and savor each moment. E-bike touring isn't always enjoyable. Hence, if you get tired, wet, and cold, it could be quite miserable. However, those moments come and leave. So, you shouldn't give room for them to leave a lasting impression on you.

Furthermore, bear in mind that you are doing it for the experience, memories, including the liberty to roam. Therefore, ensure you stop occasionally and enjoy the scenery around you, in order to be in the moment.



