Peerspace Launches Space For Change To Sponsor Underrepresented Photographers

bobby donaby _ @bobby.suave

bobby donaby _ @bobby.suave


By PAGE Editor

Peerspace, the online marketplace for booking unique spaces for people to meet, create, and celebrate, launched Space For Change for the photography industry back on July 7.

Space for Change is a quarterly program that aims to provide access to resources and education for emerging creatives that come from underrepresented backgrounds.

Jessica Levin _ @jessicawlevin

Jessica Levin _ @jessicawlevin

According to a 2019 study by Data USA, 70% of professional photographers in the United States are white. For this upcoming Space for Change program, Peerspace has teamed up with management company Giants Artists, photography marketplace Moment, and online creative community space ilovecreatives to shine a light on this disparity and to sponsor three BIPOC photographers to nurture their growth as creative professionals. 

alex mcintosh _ @kidntosh

alex mcintosh _ @kidntosh

“As a marketplace for unique spaces, Peerspace has naturally cultivated a community of photographers who turn to us to book studio spaces and sets for photoshoots over the years.”

says Peerspace CEO, Eric Shoup.

emilia ramos _ @desahogocinematico

emilia ramos _ @desahogocinematico

“With Space for Change, we want to continue to lift this community up by supporting underrepresented perspectives in the photography industry. There’s a bounty of up-and-coming photographers the world has yet to discover. We hope we can bring meaningful resources and guidance to someone who needs it, but hasn’t had the access to it yet.”

kezia _ @k333zia

kezia _ @k333zia

Applicants can enter by filling out the submission form and submitting their portfolio through the Peerspace Space for Change webpage, starting July 7 until July 21.

All three winners will receive a package of Peerspace studio credit, Moment photography gear and courses, a complementary ilovecreatives profile, and a management, marketing, and production master class plus a three-month commercial photography portfolio mentorship from Giant Artists.

lauren cowart _ @laurenacowart

lauren cowart _ @laurenacowart

The master class will be taught by Jen Jenkins, the founder of Giant Artists, a production and management company founded in 2006 that represents a curated mix of rising stars and established artists including the likes of Myles Loftin, Grace Rivera, and David Black.

michelle terris _ @mterrisphoto

michelle terris _ @mterrisphoto

The full Space for Change package prize includes:

  • $1K Peerspace credit

  • Management, Marketing & Production Master Class with Giant Artists founder, Jen Jenkins

  • 3-month commercial photography portfolio mentorship from Giant Artists

  • Complementary Creative Profile from ilovecreatives

  • $500 in Moment brand gear

  • $500 in Moment courses

miranda de lay _ @mirandadelay_

miranda de lay _ @mirandadelay_

Winners will be announced in August. For more details on Peerspace and to submit to the Space for Change program, visit and follow @peerspace on Instagram. 



