Effective Ways to Save Your Sinking Relationship




By PAGE Editor [org. Aug 26, 2022]


You must have heard this a million times before, but it bears reciting - every strong relationship once goes through challenging times. 

Developing a healthy and happy relationship demands effort from both ends, especially when there is a slight breach of trust. In this context, Clinical Psychologist Stone Kraushaar says, "Issues are a part of life and a part of being in a relationship, And the goal is to not fixate on the past but work to create together in a meaningful way."

So, what do you think about it? No matter if you are trying to cope with your partner's changed behavior after a betrayal or wish to keep this long-distance relationship going on, consider these tips. 


Step 1 - When at fault, accept it

Ego in the relationship often makes partners refuse to apologize. This may satisfy your ego but hampers your relationship for sure. Understand the kind of behavior that may hurt your partner. Avoid being defensive in all circumstances and accept if you are at fault this time. 

Step 2 - Let your partner win your trust. 

Trust is the most precious gift to share between a couple. So, give your partner enough reasons to trust you after an unfavorable incident. Here, it's essential to evaluate your partner's behavior in detail.  

Step 3 - Try the radical transparency approach. 

Rather than bottling up the emotions within you, it's wise to try the radical transparency approach to relationships. For instance - if your partner expects you to hide the truth and make fake stories, come up with the bitter truth to win over his/her heart once again. This is an instant way to strengthen and heal your relationship. 

Speaking of transparency, spouses should make it a point to discuss any conditions hindering their intimacy. For women, these include vaginismus, vaginal atrophy, and vaginal stenosis, among others. Speaking about it can help the couple develop solutions, including seeing a specialist and using medical-grade vaginal dilators. This will help alleviate the problem so both parties can focus more on rekindling the flame.

Step 4 - Plan a weekend trip together. 

Many relationships often lose their essence when there is nothing new to feel or relish. All in all, a mundane and non-expressive relationship tends to face several challenges. Therefore, try to keep the spice alive and plan for some happy times with the love of your life. Now when you have decided to step out with your partner, it's wise to consider his/her favorite travel destination. 

Step 5 - Spice up your personal life 

A sexually incompatible couple is more like oil and water in a container. They may seem close, but they aren't in reality. And that's what brings a significant difference between two people immensely in love. If you have been facing the same issues in your relationship, consider finding alternatives rather than feeling embarrassed about it. Plus, there are plenty of fun solutions available for it, like real WHIZZINATOR XXX and much more. Discuss it with your partner and have some happy moments together. 

Step 6 - Be a good listener

Be your partner's good listener and let him/her express. This will make your partner feel valued and will prove good for the sake of your relationship.  

Is it worth doing?

That depends on the delicacy of your relationship. However, these proven methods are good enough to make a positive impact on your worsening relationship. All it requires is to remain determined and focused on it.



